Ozone Therapy oxygenates the blood to restore optimum cellular oxygenation to defy ageing, boost energy, raise immunity, fight infectious diseases and calm inflammation in the body. Our superior treatment delivers oxygen directly into your bloodstream. Using the latest technology ozone device, we gently extract your blood and pass it through an oxidation chamber. Here it is combined with an equal volume of ozone at high concentration before being passed back into your body. This process is known as ‘one pass’: 10 passes is the optimum number for a powerful and effective ozone therapy.
Every cell in our body needs oxygen to function, without it, we would die within minutes. Our ability to think, feel and act relies on oxygen as does 90% of our body’s energy production. Ozone is a highly active and reactive form of oxygen that can restore optimum oxygen levels in the body. Ozone Therapy ensures hygienic and absolute uptake of this pure oxygen and gives the best results.