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Bespoke IV Therapy and Diagnostic Testing

An intravenous drip is a powerful cocktail of highly valuable nutrients – vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids – all of which are essential for a healthy mind, body and spirit. The beauty of IV Vitamin Therapy is that it can be customised to suit the needs of the individual patient, by varying the dosage of specific supplements.

At IV Boost UK every patient will first have a consultation with our medical director Dr Joshua Berkowitz. This is important for two main reasons. First, it is crucial to identify any pre-existing medical conditions that could compromise treatment or adversely affect the benefits of your IV Vitamin Therapy.

Second, the consultation is essential for Dr Josh to assess your general health and lifestyle, which he can then use as a basis for identifying any nutrient deficiencies. Based on this information, he can plan your IV Therapy programme, aiming to restore balance to both body and mind.

However, at IV Boost UK, we believe in always offering our patients more.

If necessary or required by the patient, we can perform a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation that assesses your levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. The diagnostic tests we offer can also predict whether you have any gluten and lactose sensitivities, whether your body can effectively detoxify, or even if you are predisposed to developing serious health conditions.

IV Vitamin Therapy can address nutrient deficiencies that, studies have shown, can lead to more serious health concerns.

Although we offer a menu of specific IV treatments, all of these can be customised for the individual patient’s needs, in terms of which nutrients are included and the levels that are used. At IV Boost UK we treat every patient as an individual and it is this understanding of a patient’s unique needs that we believe sets us apart from other IV clinics.

To learn more about the benefits of IV Nutrient Therapy, call today on 020 3095 0002