How And Why You Should Boost Your Metabolism
People come in all different shapes and sizes, making us all unique and individual. For centuries, shapes and fruit have been used to describe different body types. Pear, apple, spoon, hourglass, round, oval, triangle, diamond and athletic are just some popular metaphors.
Our body shape has much to do with our diet, lifestyle, exercise, genetics and, importantly, our metabolism. Knowing our metabolism type allows us to build our diet and exercise regimes to optimise this.
What Is Metabolism?
Metabolism is the process of converting the food and drink we consume into energy, which our body needs to function effectively. Metabolism is a very complex chemical process controlled by several hormones of the endocrine system. This hormone regulate almost every cell, organ and function of our bodies.
How Does The Metabolic Chemical Process Work?
Thyroxine plays a key role in determining the speed of the chemical reactions produced by our metabolism. The pancreas also helps with the regulation of macronutrient digestion by releasing various digestive enzymes, while the hormone insulin signals cells to increase their anabolic activities.
Metabolism is a complicated process, but many of us think of it in simpler terms – usually, as the process which dictates how quickly our bodies gain or lose weight.
How often have you heard people say: “oh, I have a fast/slow metabolism” in relation to how quickly they believe they burn calories? To an extent, linking metabolism to calories is correct.
Calories are a measure of a unit of energy that comes from fats, proteins, carbohydrates and sugars. They are vital sources of fuel required by every cell in our body to function.
The higher the calories, the higher the amount of energy required to use them up. The rate at which each individual ‘burns’ calories differs from person to person and is influenced by a number of factors including:
- How active they are
- Amount of fat and muscle in their body
- Their Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
What Is The Basal Metabolic Rate?
The BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the measure of how much energy a person burns during rest (in the form of calories) and plays a role in a person’s ability to lose or gain weight. A person with a high BMR will burn more calories whilst resting or sleeping than somebody with a low BMR.
People with more muscle and less fat will generally have a higher BMR.
BMR can also be determined by factors such as genetics, certain health conditions and body composition. Plus it’s influenced by increasing exercise, hence, exercising allows you to burn more calories and increase physical fitness which inevitably increases the BMR.
People tend to build more muscle tissue that, in turn, uses more calories than fat tissue, even while you’re at rest.
What Are The Different Types of Metabolisms?
There are three main metabolic types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.
An example of an ectomorph is a slim person who seems to be able to eat anything without gaining any weight. They tend to have a slight build with small joints, fast metabolism and find it difficult to put on weight.
Ectomorphs who intend to increase strength and maintain a healthy body weight should each eat smaller meals, consume good levels of protein and incorporate strength training into their workouts.
Mesomorphs tend to gain muscle really quickly – but can also gain fat quickly. This means it’s important they don’t overeat!
Mesomorphs have characteristics including an athletic build and a medium-sized body structure. They are strong with broad shoulders but carry extra body fat in the lower body.
Mesomorphs respond well to exercise. A combination of strength and cardio training, as well as a low-carb diet, is recommended for mesomorphs wishing to lose weight.
Endomorphs have a big bone structure and tend to carry more overall body fat. They tend to have a slower metabolism, a rounded body, medium-large joints and bones and strong leg muscles.
Because of the endomorph’s physical makeup, they are more sensitive to calorie consumption than mesomorphs and ectomorphs.
It can be hard for an endomorph to lose weight. However, with the right combination of exercise and diet, it’s very achievable.
What Types of Food Increase Metabolism?
There are many foods that complement a balanced diet to help support effective metabolic function, and if incorporated into a calorie-restricted diet, may help promote weight loss.
Eight Foods And Drinks That Support Your Metabolism:
Here are eight foods and drinks that stimulate an increased metabolism:
Protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds and legumes boost the metabolism for a few hours after consumption. They also keep you fuller for longer and can prevent overeating.
Mineral-rich foods containing iron and selenium such as fish, meat, legumes, nuts and seeds support your metabolism. Iron and selenium are key minerals that help support thyroid function, which regulates your metabolism.
Chilli peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin that helps increase metabolism by quickening the rate at which calories are burned.
Caffeine increases metabolism by allowing the body to burn more calories. This effect differs from person to person and can be influenced by age and body weight.
Tea contains compounds called catechins that work to boost the metabolic rate. Green tea and oolong tea also help the body use fat for energy.
Beans and legumes are high in fibre and protein which helps the body burn more calories to digest them.
Seaweed is rich in iodine and is an essential mineral required for the production of thyroid hormones and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Water is of paramount importance as hydration supports all functions of the body, including your metabolism. Drinking cold water also helps burn more calories as the body uses energy to heat the water to body temperature. Drinking water fills the body before meals to prevent overeating.
Treatments To Support Your Metabolism
There are many things we can do to support our metabolism. Eating metabolism-boosting foods, doing high-intensity workouts, lifting weights and getting good sleep can all promote metabolic function. For those wanting an extra health and metabolism boost, Ozone therapy has also been found to be highly effective.
Ozone Therapy For Metabolism Function
Ozone therapy can suppress inflammation, reduce stress and help with detoxification which are all highly beneficial in supporting our metabolisms so that they function effectively. At IV Boost UK, we offer a superior ozone treatment comprising the most cutting-edge ozone device which gently extracts blood and passes it through an oxidized chamber before being passed back through the body – which is known as “one pass”. The protocol at IV Boost comprises a “ten pass” treatment, which is considered to be the gold standard in ozone therapy.
To learn more about how Ozone therapy can boost your metabolism, call us today on 020 3095 0002